Management of the Council

Around 600 people work for the Council, making us one of the borough's biggest employers.

The Council delivers a wide range of services for people living and working in West Lancashire including housing, planning, refuse and recycling collections, leisure, environmental health and economic development.

Chief Operating Officer – Jacqui Sinnott-Lacey


Responsible for overall management of Council and representing the Council on outside bodies.

Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing and Resources – Chris Twomey


The Corporate Director of Transformation, Housing and Resources leads on Business Intelligence and development, Legal services, Democratic Services, Finance, Audit & Procurement, Estates & Valuations, HR and Organisational Development, Customer Experience and Communications and Engagement.


Head of Finance, Procurement and Commercial Services (Section 151 Officer) – James Pierce


The Head of Finance Procurement and Commercial Services is the Council's Section 151 Officer (Statutory Officer) and responsible for ensuring the proper administration of the Council's financial affairs under the Local Government Act. They are also responsible for the Council's Procurement arrangements and for managing the Council's investments.

They are an accountant and the senior financial officer within the Council.

Legal and Democratic Services Manager – Kay Lovelady 



The Legal & Democratic Services Manager is the Council's Monitoring Officer (Statutory Officer) and responsible for ensuring the Council operates good governance. They are also responsible for matters relating to the conduct of Councillors and Officers and is responsible for the operation of the Council's Constitution.

They are a solicitor and the senior legal officer within the Council. They are responsible for managing Legal and Democratic Services including Elections, Civic responsibilities and administration of Council Meetings.



 Further information

For information about senior officers' salaries, visit the open data page.