Consultation archive 2017

West Lancashire Open Space Survey

We ran two open space surveys between 18 October and 8 December 2017 - one for adults and one for primary school aged children. The surveys were to help audit existing open spaces in West Lancashire, including parks, recreation grounds, allotments, nature sites and play areas. We will use the findings of these surveys to produce a report which assesses open spaces in the area, identifies standards of provision, and make recommendations for the future. We expect the Open Space Study to be completed by March 2018. We will publish the final report at that time.

Proposed revisions to Taxi Licensing Policy 

Following the consultation, the draft policy was presented to Licensing and Appeals Committee on 05/12/17.

Sex Establishment Policy

The Council has consulted on a review of its policy for the licensing of sex establishments. The consultation closed on the Friday 29 September.

Tawd Valley Park - Have your say

A new project is underway looking at how the Tawd Valley, often described as the' Jewel in the Crown' of Skelmersdale could be developed to improve its appeal and accessibility. Groundwork, working in partnership with West Lancs CVS, have undertaken a survey on behalf of West Lancs Borough Council to seek the views of local residents. The results will be fed into the Tawd Valley Masterplan to guide future development in respect of ecological and recreational benefits together with continued sustainability.  

Homelessness strategy

We consulted on a Homelessness Strategy for the borough for the years 2017 - 2022.

CIL Funding Programme for 2017/18

How should we spend funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy? We invited people to give their comments. The consultation ran from 6 October to 4 November 2016. We are now reviewing all the comments we received and will use them to help inform our final recommendations on the funding programme. Cabinet members will make the final decision in January 2017.

Green Infrastructure and Cycling Strategy

We consulted on a draft Green Infrastructure and Cycling Strategy for the borough. The draft strategy looks to establish a high quality, accessible network for Green Infrastructure and cycling that links the borough’s major settlements with one another and with visitor attractions. The consultation ended on 10 March 2017.

Banning dogs from children's play areas

We consulted on proposals to ban dogs from a further 26 children’s play areas in West Lancashire in order to help keep children safe and reduce problems with dog fouling. We also consulted on plans to require dogs to be kept on leads in five specified areas in public parks and playing fields. The deadline for comments was 3 January 2017.

The responses were taken into account before the final decision was made at the West Lancashire Borough Council meeting on 22 February 2017. The new measures came into force in 1 April 2017.

Citizen and Stakeholder Survey 2017

We invited local residents, community groups, organisations and local businesses to give their views about where we should make reductions in spending or increase income. The consultation closed on 7 April 2017.

Meeting the Budget Challenge 2017

Residents and organisations in West Lancashire were invited to give their views on the Borough Council’s proposals for savings, efficiencies and increases in income totalling £310,000. The closing date was 3 September and the responses are now being analysed and considered.