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Would you like to be consulted on planning policy documents?

If you would like to be kept notified of planning policy consultation, news and information, then you can join our Strategic Planning Consultation Database. To reduce costs and improve efficiency, we would prefer to contact you by email, although we can continue to contact you by post should that be your preference.

Join our database

To subscribe to our e-mailing list, please email requesting to join the Strategic Planning Consultation Database.

We will use the information you provide to us to keep you informed of consultations and news relating to strategic planning and implementation, including the Local Plan and the Community Infrastructure Levy. You can unsubscribe from the Strategic Planning Consultation Database at any time by emailing us requesting so.

For further information as to how we handle your data, please see the WLBC Corporate Privacy Notice. Hard copies are available on request. If you would like to discuss this notice, or how we will use your personal data, you can contact a Planning Policy Officer via