Stage 3 - Publication


Over the last few years, we have consulted at each stage of the Local Plan preparation and invited you to get involved.

By August 2012, we felt that the Local Plan Publication document was a robust and flexible plan that can respond to the needs of the borough until 2027, and that it was ready to be submitted to the government for examination. The examination stage involves an independent Planning Inspector assessing our Local Plan against two criteria - whether it is legally compliant and whether it is sound.

Between August 9 and October 5 we asked you to send in comments, or representations, on whether you thought the Local Plan was legally compliant and sound. Following this, we collected and processed all the comments and submitted them, along with the Local Plan, to the Secretary of State for independent examination by a Planning Inspector.

We submitted our Local Plan on the 31 October 2012, and published all the documents associated with the submission through these web pages.

View the Local Plan Publication document

Publicity and consultation

The next stage - submission

The Publication Local Plan, along with the formal representations received during the consultation period, were submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 31 October 2012 for an Examination in Public (EiP).