West Lancashire Strategies

Strategies and supplementary planning documents

Title        Ref 


 Skelmersdale Town Centre SPD  GD.301  PDF  2.8mb
 Design Guide SPD 2008  GD.302  PDF  1.4mb
 Open Space and recreation provision in new residential developments SPD  GD.303  PDF  355kb
 Addendum to open space SPD 2011  GD.304  PDF  20kb

 Lancashire Landscape and Heritage SPG (April 2006)
 Lancashire Landscape and Heritage SPG Appendices 

 GD.305  PDF


 Natural Areas and Areas of Landscape History Importance (updated 2007)  GD.306  PDF  1.5mb
 Accommodation for temporary agricultural workers SPG  GD.307  PDF  1.3mb
 Article 4 Direction on Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs)  GD.501  PDF  57kb
 West Lancashire Playing Pitch Strategy 2009  GD.502  PDF  2.8mb
 WLBC Climate change strategy and action plan 2008  GD.503  PDF  320kb



Title Ref File type Size
 Enabling development, English Heritage  GD.401  PDF  298kb
 Green space strategies: a good practice guide, CABE 2004  GD.402  PDF  2.0mb
 How to create quality parks and open space, ODPM, 2005  GD.403  PDF  2.8mb
 Lancashire Biodiversity Action Plan  GD.404  PDF  3.1mb
 The conversion of traditional farm buildings, English Heritage  GD.405  PDF  3.9mb
 The maintenance and repair of traditional farm buildings, English Heritage  GD.406  PDF  3.9mb
 UK biodiversity action plan  GD.407  PDF  1.3mb
 West Lancashire natural environment action plan  GD.408  PDF  234kb