Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Mayor of West Lancashire's Christmas and New Year Message to the Borough


Councillor Maureen Nixon, Mayor of West Lancashire, has written a Christmas and New Year message to the people of the Borough:


"I'm honoured to have represented the Borough as Mayor since my election in May. With so many wonderful people to meet and stories to celebrate, how the time has flown! I feel incredibly privileged to have met so many wonderful people, many of whom support our communities in lots of different ways, often putting others before themselves. It has truly been a joy to meet these incredible people while undertaking my many civic duties as Mayor.

"At this special time of year, I would like to say 'thank you' to some of those people who help make our Borough such a caring and wonderful place to live.

"My chosen charities for the year reflect my admiration for the part they play in our communities. My gratitude goes to West Lancs ARK and the Skelmersdale Veterans Association, for caring, guiding and empowering those in need. Their commitment is boundless and sets and example to us all.  To Skelmersdale Rainbows, Brownies and Guides I say a big 'well-done' for continuing to nurture young girls towards becoming empowered, valuable members of society while helping lots of people and having bags of fun along the way! Thanks also go to my charity committee who have supported me and all my chosen charities.

"I'd also like to extend my gratitude to the Democratic Services Team at the Council for working so hard organising our civic ceremonies and assisting me since I took up office as Mayor earlier this year.

"Lastly, I would like to thank my Consort, Mr Laughton Wilkinson, Deputy Mayor Councillor Julian Finch and Mayoress Mrs. Mary Finch, for supporting me and greeting the many wonderful people of the Borough with as much genuine enthusiasm and warmth as I hope I have.

"I wish everyone in West Lancashire a wonderful Christmas and a peaceful New Year."

Mayor of West Lancashire, Councillor Maureen Nixon.