Local list & buildings at risk

Importance of Listed Buildings

Many structures that can’t be given listed building status still have historical or social importance and contribute greatly to the character and appearance of our towns, villages, and countryside.      Springfield pumping station

These locally important buildings are often local landmarks, represent good examples of a local architecture style, or are types of buildings that have played an important role in the development of a community.      

We have published a catalogue of locally important buildings, commonly known as a local list, since 2005. It is a valuable tool in identifying buildings and features within our local environment that contribute to the distinctive character of the borough.      

The list has recently been updated and was approved by Cabinet on 10 November 2015; there are now more than 160 structures on the list.      

Buildings on the Local List cannot be afforded the same statutory protection as that given to listed buildings; the purpose of the local list is to recognise buildings of genuine local merit.      

Local list review  

To ensure that the local list remains relevant - and to provide the opportunity for other buildings to be added - we have recently carried out a review and asked for your help by putting forward nominations for buildings to be included. To see the results, please visit the local list review page.

Buildings at risk

We have maintained a Buildings at Risk Register (BAR) for all listed buildings in the area since 1989. The last update of the  BAR took place in 2010.     

A partnership project, funded by English Heritage, has been developed with the Handley Partnership to review our current register. The aim is to improve how we collect information and to help us to preserve our most important historic buildings.