Council tax rates and bandings

The council tax for West Lancashire Borough Council for the average Band D property in 2024-25 will be £231.65 per year or £4.45 a week.

Your council tax bill goes towards providing funding for a range of local authorities.

Around 10.4% of the total council tax bill comes to the Borough Council. The total council tax bill includes charges from Lancashire County Council, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service and Lancashire Constabulary.  The council tax for some areas will also include a parish council precept.

The council tax amounts for 'average' Band D properties (excluding parish council precepts) are set out below.

  2023/24 2024/25 Change
West Lancashire Borough Council


£231.65 2.99%
Lancashire County Council £1,574.71 £1,653.29 4.99%

Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

£82.27 £84.73 2.99%

Lancashire Police Authority

£251.45 £263.40 4.75%


£2,133.35 £2,233.01 4.67%


For details on the changes in council tax levels for all of the main local authorities in West Lancashire:

For details on the total council tax amounts payable for different areas and council tax bands:

For details on the income raised by each authority through council tax: 

The leaflets below give further council tax information for the current year and the previous year. 

Planned spending 2024/25

  2023/24 2024/25
SERVICES £000 £000
Corporate & Customer Services £5,294 £5,241
Environmental Services £6,685 £6,698
Finance, Procurement & Commercial Property £1,812 £1,841
Housing Services -£923 -£877
Legal and Democratic Services £1,128 £1,353
Planning and Regulatory Services £1,818 £1,939
Wellbeing and Place Services £1,617 £1,341
Chief Officers £353 £369
Net Service Budget £17,784 £17,906
Net Central Service Budget £148 £217
Net Non Service Budget -£1,605 -£986
NET BUDGET £16,327 £17,136


Council Tax -£9,247 -£9,651
Council Tax - Parish Precepts £679 £765
Business Rates: Retained Income -£3,130 -£3,275
Business Rates: S31 Grants -£3,493 -£3,760
Prior Year Collection Fund (Surplus)/Deficit £1,035 -£329
Use of Collection Fund Smoothing Reserve -£1,076 £329
New Homes Bonus -£768 -£634
Other Government Grants -£327 -£581
TOTAL FUNDING -£16,327 -£17,136

The council’s net budget requirement of £17.136m will be funded 52% from the council tax, 41% from retained business rates income and grants, and 7% by general government grants