
Please note - the material below is part of the background evidence for the 2012 Local Plan.  More up-to-date evidence is being prepared for the new Local Plan 2023-38; this may supersede the documents linked to below.


Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) indicates how much land might potentially be available for housing in the future across West Lancashire.

As from 2017, the SHLAA  has been replaced by the Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).

Housing Land Supply

The documents below analyse housing completions and grants of planning permission on an annual basis and set out the supply position as at 31 March. 

For 2014 onwards, statements of housing land supply are contained in the Annual Monitoring Report.

Annual Monitoring Report

The Annual Monitoring Reports provide annual updates as to how well planning policies are performing against targets and requirements.  It includes a section on housing with information on housing supply and delivery.

Other Housing Study Links