Evidence and research

2012 Local Plan evidence base

It is vital to gather together strong and robust evidence to back up a Local Plan. This means up-to-date and comprehensive information on a range of subjects including population, housing, employment, retail, social characteristics and the environment.

All the studies prepared to inform the 2012 Local Plan can be found below under the relevant topic headings.  The 2012 Local Plan Evidence Papers provide a summary of all the background data and study results by theme (e.g., population) or by spatial area (e.g., Ormskirk).


Please note - the material below is part of the background evidence for the 2012-2027 Local Plan and may now be out-of-date. 

More up-to-date evidence is being prepared for the new 2023-2038 Local Plan.  To see this newer evidence, please follow the link to the 2038 Local Plan:


2012 Local Plan evidence base links:


Further information can also be found through the Annual Monitoring Reports.