Councillor 'Champions'

Some Councillors have a 'Champion' role where they work to highlight issues and seek progress on a variety of matters.

Appointed Champions:

Armed Forces Champion: Councillor Paul Hennessy (Deputy Councillor Terry Devine)

In his role as Armed Forces Champion, Councillor Hennessy:

  • Assists the Leader by advising on issues which support and improve access to services for ex-service men and women in the Borough.
  • Acts as a Spokesperson to promote the positive aspects of the Council’s work with the armed forces.
  • Forges and maintains links locally with armed forces networks. Represents the Council on the West Lancashire Covenant Working Group.

Dementia Champion: Councillor Anne M Fennell

The Dementia Champion is responsible for promoting awareness of and community support for those living with Dementia and their carers, and supporting the West Lancashire Dementia Friendly Community. This role is undertaken in close collaboration with the Lead Members for Communities, and Health and Wellbeing.

Food Security Champion: Councillor Melissa Parlour (Deputy Councillor Kerry Lloyd)

The Food Security Champion provides political leadership at both a local and national level, to tackle food insecurity and food poverty within the borough. This role is undertaken in close collaboration with the Lead Members for Communities, and Health and Wellbeing.

Small Businesses Champion: Councillor Suresh Patel

  • To assist the Leader by advising on service issues which support and encourage small businesses and their needs in the development of policy across all areas of the Council.
  • Acting as a spokesperson to promote the positive aspects of the Council's work with small businesses.
  • Forging and maintaining links locally with small businesses.
  • External engagement with local business networks
  • Community Wealth Building

This role works closely with the Lead Member for Economic Regeneration. 

Older People’s Champion: Councillor Terry Aldridge

Councillor Aldridge's role is to:

  • Assist the Leader and the relevant Lead Member for Housing and Community Safety by advising on service issues which support and encourage active, independent and healthy lives for older people and to raise the profile of older people and their needs in the development of policy across all areas of the Council.
  • Act as a Spokesperson to promote the positive aspects of the Council's work with Older People.
  • Encourage Older People to play a fuller role in shaping the policies of the Council and in designing its service.
  • Work to promote positive images of Older People as citizens, and to combat stereotyping and age discrimination.
  • Forge and maintaining links locally with Older People's Networks.

This Role Definition has been recommended and supported by the Local Authority elected Member Older People's Champion North West Network.

Youth Champion: Councillor Carl Coughlan

Councillor Coughlan's role is to:

  • Assist the Leader and relevant Lead Member to examine how all local provision (not just youth services) supports young people, identifying the outcomes that matter most to young people and working with partners to find ways to deliver these.
  • Encourage Younger People to play a fuller role in shaping the policies of the Council and in designing its services.
  • Consult with young people and our partners, including the local voluntary and community sector, faith groups, schools and employers, to involve children and young people in decisions that affect them or in matters which may have an impact on their lives.
  • Act as spokesperson to promote the positive aspects of the Council's formal Partnership with the local Youth Service.
  • Work to promote positive images of Younger People as citizens.