A - Z
- Bins - report a missed bin or other collection problem
- Bins, bags and boxes - recycling
- Bulky household waste collections
- Bins - order a new bin
- Brown bin collections
- Building Control & Regulations
- Background to West Lancashire Local Plan 2012-2027
- Burscough Parish Neighbourhood Plan Supporting Documents and Evidence Base
- Burscough Parish Neighbourhood Plan Referendum
- Bills: pay a bill
- Benefits
- Benefit Fraud
- Business rates
- Beacon Country Park - countryside park
- Burscough Brickpits
- Barking dogs
- Bird scarers
- Bonfires
- Business Advice & Support
- Business Events & Networking
- Business Property Search
- Business regulations
- Budget (Council)
- Benefits of working for the Council
- Burials and cemeteries