Whistleblowing Code

As part of the Corporate Governance Audit Review 2020/21 it was identified that there was a need to review West Lancashire Borough Council's Whistleblowing Code.

A proposed new Whistleblowing Code has been drafted taking into account the findings/recommendations of the review.  The proposed Code has adopted the standards required by the National Audit Office Assessment Criteria for Whistleblowing Policies. 

The Code has already been considered by West Lancashire Borough's Standards Committee and Audit Governance Committee where it was agreed that the Policy would be subject to public consultation before being approved by full Council.

Read the proposed amended Whistleblowing Code here.

You can view the current Whistlebowing Code here.

Please provide any comments or proposed amendments directly to Kay Lovelady, Legal and Member Services Manager, at kay.lovelady@westlancs.gov.uk for consideration. This consultation closes at 4p.m on Friday 14th January 2022.

Any comments received will be considered, the Code updated were it is deemed appropriate before the revised Code will be presented to full Council on the 23rd February 2022 when approval will be sought for adoption.