You Said, We Are Doing



ACTIVITY – Tenant Involvement Framework Consultation


YOU SAID - Landlord Services Committee tenant members wanted to ensure rural voices are heard

Tenants expressed importance of involving leaseholders in engagement.

To consider an involvement structure that enables Landlord Services Committee to hear from tenants and leaseholders.

To consider how we can engage our young and older tenants.

WE ARE DOING - Developed outreach sessions and calendar of drop-ins venues and dates.

Leaseholder engagement opportunity set up to hear from leaseholders and included in the involvement framework.

Landlord Services Committee to have regular agenda item to hear feedback on all engagement activities and work of Tenant & Leaseholder Advisory Group.

You Said We Did page set up on website to feedback to tenants' outcomes of engagement activities.

Independent Living and young tenant engagement included in the involvement framework


ACTIVITY – Furniture Package Consultation


YOU SAID - We would like more options to choose from when requesting a furniture package.  Currently you have to take a full furniture package

WE ARE DOING - The furniture package option has been extended so tenants can now request either a full package, a carpet only package or a white goods only package


ACTIVITY - Get Involved Web Page Review 


YOU SAID - It wasn’t clear if there was a web page for getting involved – could only find link to Your Voice West Lancs. Tenant Voice and getting involved should have a high profile – maybe even have its own page

Your Voice West Lancs doesn’t have an option when you are signing up to say you are a leaseholder

WE ARE DOING - We created a new "Have Your Say" - Tenant Voice webpage including Ways to get involved, You Said We Did and a Calendar of events

Leaseholder has been added as an option on the sign-up page for Your Voice West Lancs as an additional "about you"


ACTIVITY – Independent Living Scheme Consultation


YOU SAID - Tenants raised points around the environment looking tired and in need of a refresh

Tenants wanted awareness around the repairs service

Tenants wanted to build their relationship with the Lifeline monitoring service staff

WE ARE DOING - Two environment projects are being delivered to benefit communal lounge areas having carpets cleaned, refresh to the décor and new furniture.

Two sites have benefitted from the signage to floor on the car park being refreshed.   

The repairs contractor is scheduling a series of surgeries within the schemes to meet tenants

The Lifeline service staff are to attend surgeries to build their relationship with tenants


ACTIVITY – Leaseholder Service Charge Letter Review


YOU SAID – Letter included abbreviations which we don’t understand

Would like to see more detail in the covering letter that is specific to the leaseholder in relation to the change in charges. For example, 'service charge has increased by X amount or X%

Would like to see information that covers who to contact about services such as caretaking gardening

WE ARE DOING – We changed the abbreviation APF to Advance Payment Fund

The letter was changed to include an explanation on the amount the service charge has increased/(decreased)

The letter was changed to include contact details including telephone number and email address for queries such as caretaking and gardening


ACTIVITY - Damp & Mould Leaflet Consultation


YOU SAID - Tenants reviewed and picked a preferred option from 4 drafts of the leaflet and the cover picture for the leaflet/poster

Can you make clear who the leaflet is aimed at to avoid confusion

WE ARE DOING - Tenant preferred option was used in the final design of the leaflet/poster

"If you are a tenant" was added to the leaflet/poster to identify who the guidance is aimed at


ACTIVITY - Draft Goodwill Discretionary Payment Policy


YOU SAID - You asked for clarity around 'redress'

You asked would anyone who makes a complaint be made aware of this policy at the start of their complaints process

Would like to see links/contact numbers/email addresses to the contacts mentioned e.g. Housing Ombudsman

WE ARE DOING - Clarity around the payment in cash or vouchers has been included in the policy.

The policy will be included in the Customer Feedback website.

The link to the Housing Ombudsman will be included as part of the website page


ACTIVITY - Review of Rent Statement Letter to Tenants


YOU SAID - You weren't clear what the terminology "MP" and "WSDC" stood for

You found transactions difficult to follow as your understanding was that rent is paid in advance and not permanently in arrears as shown in the statement.

WE ARE DOING - We have added a key to explain what the abbreviations used throughout the document stand for.

We have included more detail in the breakdown of transactions, such as payment method, debit value and credit value.

We have also added an account overview section at top of the document which shows the current balance of the account (whether in credit or arrears).



YOU SAID – Too much fly tipping is taking place.

WE ARE DOING - Environmental enforcement team have purchased 17 wild view cameras and 8 have been installed in hot spot areas resulting in a reduction in fly-tipping


ACTIVITY – Communication around Damp & Mould issues

YOU SAID - There is little communication around damp & mould

WE ARE DOING -     Information included in the November Tenant Newsletter on how to report and how to keep your home free from damp & mould