Listed buildings

Importance of Listed Buildings

There are around 600 buildings on the statutory list of buildings of architectural or historic interest in West Lancashire. 
Once a building is listed it is a criminal offence to carry out any unauthorised works which would affect its special character. This includes internal works as well as buildings and objects within its curtilage.

Carrying out work on a listed building 

When applying for listed building consent to carry out alterations or extensions to a listed building, you need to ensure your application includes adequate information. A written statement of significance or a full explanation of what the work entails and how it may affect the importance of the building, should accompany all applications for works to a listed building. This enables us to more easily assess how the works may affect the special architectural or historic character of a building and could speed up your application. Examples of good practice are highlighted below:

If you require planning advice on works to a Listed Building, you can submit a request for Pre-Application Pre-Application Advice - West Lancashire Borough Council (

If you are planning works to a listed building it is also recommended that you download the documents:

Information on listed buildings, including why buildings are chosen to be 'listed' and how to recommend a building for listing, can be found through the Historic England website (external link). Additional information about Listed Buildings, including descriptions and images can be found by searching the Heritage Gateway website (external link).

Scheduled monuments

There are currently 11 scheduled monuments in West Lancashire. Any proposed works affecting those archaeological remains require Scheduled Monument Consent from the Secretary of State.