Recreation Mitigation Strategy

West Lancashire BC and the Liverpool City Region local authorities are working together to prepare a joint Recreation Mitigation Strategy ('RMS').  This involves looking at the recreational use of publicly accessible coast and green spaces in the area.  The Strategy will help inform the protection of European designated habitats sites from recreational pressures.  Sites include the southern part of the Ribble Estuary and Martin Mere within West Lancashire as well as the nearby Sefton Coast.

If you want to find out more, the Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service has prepared background information and frequently asked questions about the joint RMS:

A joint SPD is being prepared by WLBC and the Liverpool City Region Authorities to deal with the matter of recreation mitigation. This is currently at SPD Scoping stage and the consultation is taking place from 14 August 2023 to 9 October 2023. Find out more at: