Evidence Base

Supporting documents - Evidence

 Title Ref Number File  type File size
 Joint Employment Land and Premises Study 2010  SP.201  PDF  3.8MB
 Joint Employment Land and Premises Study Appendices:
(Note the numbers missing from the appendix sequencing relate to the
other authorities in the joint study)
 Figure 1: Location Plan    SP.215  PDF  300kb
 Figure 5: West Lancashire commuting flows    SP.216  PDF  340kb
 Appendix 1: Consultee list     SP.202  PDF  15kb
 Appendix 2: Document list     SP.203  PDF  22kb
 Appendix 3: Strategy Context     SP.204  PDF  150kb
 Appendix 4: Background Review    SP.205  PDF  285kb
 Appendix 5: Demand data analysis    SP.206  PDF  50kb
 Appendix 9: West Lancs vacant property list    SP.207  PDF  70kb
 Appendix 10: Property Market analysis    SP.208  PDF  130kb
 Appendix 20: Company Survey analysis    SP.209  PDF  35kb
 Appendix 25: Sub-area analysis    SP.210  PDF  60kb
 Appendix 26: Site scoring system    SP.211  PDF  15kb
 Appendix 27: Detailed site scoring    SP.212  PDF  16kb
 Appendix 33: Employment land calculations    SP.213  PDF  35kb
 Appendix 34: RSS disaggregation   SP.214  PDF  35kb
 West Lancashire Economic Study   SP.217  PDF  3.9mb
 West Lancashire Rural Economy Study 2006   SP.218  PDF  2.9mb
 Employment Land Monitor 2011   SP.219  PDF  2.9mb
 Employment Land Regeneration   SP.223a  PDF  628kb
 Pimbo    SP.223b  PDF  2686kb
 Gillibrands    SP.223c  PDF  1210kb
 Stanley    SP.223d  PDF  925kb
 Burscough   SP.223e  PDF  697kb
 Simonswood   SP.223f  PDF  807kb

 SP.223 was re-published on 18 January 2013 as documents SP.223a  to SP.223f.  It has come to the Council's attention that an older, incomplete version of this study had accidentally been submitted with the Local Plan.  The Council have therefore corrected this error as soon as they were aware of it by re-publishing the final study (SP.223a) together with five maps appended to the final study (SP.223b to SP.223f). 
If you downloaded SP.223 prior to 18 January 2013, you may wish  to download the document again now to ensure that you have the correct version of the study.

 Title Ref Number File  type File size
Affordable Housing Viability Study 2010  SP.101 PDF  694kb
Housing Needs and Demands Study 2010  SP.104 PDF  2.6mb
Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2009  SP.113 PDF  2.3mb
Framework Formulation Part 1  SP.114 PDF  2mb
Framework Formulation Part 2  SP.115 PDF  1.8mb
Housing Land Supply 2012  SP.102 PDF  694kb
 Housing Land Supply 2012 Addendum - Draft SHLAA  SP.103 PDF  75kb
 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2012 (Dec 2012):      
 Covering statement   SP.105a PDF  178kb
  0-5 Year sites   SP.110a PDF  486kb
 6-10 year sites   SP.111a PDF  2.0mb
 11-15 year sites   SP.112a PDF  3.4kb
 Parked sites A-B   SP.106a PDF  1.8mb
 Parked sites H-L   SP.107a PDF  3.7mb
 Parked sites O-R   SP.108a PDF  3.4mb
 Parked sites Skelmersdale   SP.109a PDF  2.1mb
 Parked sites S-W  SP.109b PDF   2.8mb
The draft SHLAA 2012 documents, originally submitted for examination in October 2012, were updated   here with the final SHLAA 2012 documents, completed December 2012, on 23-1-13      
 West Lancashire retail and leisure study 2011  SP.220  PDF  760kb
 West Lancashire retail and leisure study 2011 - appendices  SP.221  PDF  3.9mb
 Edge Hill University      
 The economic impact of Edge Hill University 2010  SP.222  PDF  594kb
 Technical papers      
 Housing  SP.601  PDF  751kb
 Economy and Employment  SP.602  PDF  109kb
 Edge Hill  SP.603  PDF  1.3mb
 Transport, including Appendix A and B  SP.604  PDF  2.5mb
 Transport, Appendix C  SP.605  PDF  991kb
 Landscape  SP.606  PDF  647kb
 Strategic Options and Green Belt release  SP.607  PDF  2.4mb
 The Strategic Options and Green Belt release paper is accompanied by a series of site maps, as follows:      
 Land at Orrell Lane, Burscough   SP.613  PDF  147kb
 Yew Tree Farm (south), Burscough  SP.622  PDF  155kb
 Land at Warpers Moss Lane, Burscough   SP.617  PDF  148kb
 Slack House Farm, Ormskirk   SP.621  PDF  150kb
 Bath Farm, Ormskirk   SP.609  PDF  151kb
 Little Hall Farm, Ormskirk    SP.620  PDF  161kb
 Land at Holborn Hill, Ormskirk    SP.612  PDF  164kb
 Altys Farm, Ormskirk    SP.608  PDF  160kb
 Land at Parrs Lane, Aughton    SP.614  PDF  151kb
 Land at Ruff Lane, Ormskirk    SP.616  PDF  145kb
 Land at Red Cat Lane, Burscough   SP.615  PDF  143kb
 Land off Mill Lane, Up Holland    SP.618  PDF  173kb
 Land (DS4) at Moss Road, Halsall   SP.610  PDF  156kb
 Fine Jane's Farm, Halsall    SP.611  PDF  147kb
 Land to the south of New Cut Lane, Halsall  SP.619  PDF  151kb
 A570 Ormskirk Study Bypass Wider Transport Review 2008  SP.501  PDF  4.9mb
 Access to the Port of Liverpool Study 2011  SP.502  PDF  1.6mb
 Air Quality Action Plan for West Lancashire 2011  SP.503  PDF  475kb
 Feasibility Study for the Linear Park at Tarleton and Hesketh Bank 2010  SP.504  PDF  7.9mb
 Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan 3  SP.505  PDF  3.3mb
 Joint Lancashire Structure Plan Parking standards 2005  SP.506  PDF  382kb
  Lancashire LTP3  SP.507  PDF  451mb
  Lancashire LTP3 Implementation Strategy  SP.508  PDF  3.2mb
  LCC response to Core Strategy Preferred Options  SP.515  PDF  2.7mb
 Merseyside LTP3  SP.509  PDF  5.8mb
 Ormskirk Evaluation of Smaller scale schemes 2011  SP.510  PDF  324kb
 Ormskirk town centre cycle strategy 2006  SP.511  PDF  432kb
 Survey of usage of cycling and walking routes at Skelmersdale Park 2005  SP.512  PDF  2.8mb
 West Lancashire cycling strategy 2005  SP.513  PDF  612kb
 West Lancashire integrated transport report 2008  SP.514  PDF  3.4mb
 Wigan Borough on the move 2011-2026  SP.517  PDF  4.9mb
 The Transport Act 2000  GD.112  PDF  1.2mb
 Merseyside route utilisation strategy 2008  SP.516  PDF  3.1mb
  Infrastructure Delivery Plan  SP.401  PDF  4.2mb
  Lancashire Local Broadband Plan  SP.404  PDF  471kb
  Sustainable Settlement Study 2012  SP.405  PDF  707kb
  Infrastructure Delivery Schedule (Sept 2012)  SP.402  PDF  73kb
 Infrastructure Contacts and Meeting Record (Sept 2012)  SP.403  PDF  26kb
 Environment and open space      
 Open Space Sports and Recreation Study 2009      
 Cover and Contents   SP.323  PDF  32kb
 Chapter 1:  Introduction and Background  SP.323  PDF  52kb
 Chapter 2:  Undertaking the Study  SP.323  PDF  83kb
 Chapter 3:  Strategic Context   SP.323  PDF  63kb
 Chapter 4:  Parks and Gardens  SP.323  PDF  3.6mb
 Chapter 5:  Natural and Semi Natural  SP.323  PDF  1.4mb
 Chapter 6:  Amenity Green Space  SP.323  PDF  4.8mb
 Chapter 7:  Provision for Children and Young People  SP.323  PDF  4.03mb
 Chapter 8:  Outdoor Sports Facilities  SP.323  PDF  5.7mb
 Chapter 9:  Allotments  SP.323  PDF  1.3mb
 Chapter 10:  Cemeteries and Churchyards  SP.323  PDF  51kb
 Chapter 11:  Civic Spaces  SP.323  PDF  32kb
 Chapter 12:  Green Corridors   SP.323  PDF  1.1mb
 Chapter 13:  Managing and Improving Open Spaces  SP.323  PDF  352kb
 Chapter 14:  Planning Overview  SP.323  PDF  1.2mb
 Appendix A:  Benefits of Open Space  SP.323  PDF  26kb
 Appendix B:  Household Survey and cover letter  SP.323  PDF  1.8mb
 Appendix C:  National Strategic Context  SP.323  PDF  192kb
 Appendix E(i):  Quantity Standard Worksheet - Overall  SP.323  PDF  14kb
 Appendix E(ii):  Quantity Standard Worksheet - Urban  SP.323  PDF  14kb
 Appendix E(iii):  Quantity Standard Worksheet - Rural  SP.323  PDF  13kb
 Appendix F:  Quantity Standards  SP.323  PDF  189kb
 Appendix G:  Quality Standards  SP.323  PDF  133kb
 Appendix H:  Accessibility Standards  SP.323  PDF  165kb
 Playing Pitch Assessment      
 Chapter 1:  Introduction  SP.324  PDF  304KB
 Chapter 2:  The Current Picture  SP.324  PDF  144KB
 Chapter 3:  The Methodology  SP.324  PDF  35KB
 Chapter 4:  Supply and Demand   SP.324  PDF  840KB
 Chapter 5:  Playing Pitch Methodology Findings  SP.324  PDF  144KB
 Chapter 6:  Future Delivery  SP.324  PDF  177KB
 Skelmersdale - Ormskirk linear park study  SP.325  PDF  186KB
 Wildlife Action Plan for West Lancashire  SP.326  PDF  45KB
 Renewable Energy      
 Liverpool City Region Study:      
 Renewable Energy Capacity Study 1 (2009)  SP.301  PDF  7mb
 Renewable Energy Capacity Study 2 (2010)  SP.302  PDF  5mb
 Renewable Energy Capacity Study 2 - Appendix G  SP.303  PDF  14mb
 SQW Lancashire renewable energy capacity study:      
 Technical report  SP.304  PDF  1.2mb
 West Lancashire Renewable Energy Potential  SP.305  PDF  775kb
 Taking forward the deployment of renewable energy  SP.306  PDF  3.5mb
 Planning Guidance for Renewable Energy  SP.307  PDF  768kb
 Target setting and policy development  SP.308  PDF  1.6mb
 West Lancashire constraints maps  SP.309  PDF  5.1mb
  Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 (2007)  SP.314  PDF  2.9mb
  Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 (2010)  SP.315  PDF  337kb
 Appendix 1-3 - Flood Zones    SP.316  PDF  8.5mb
 Appendix 4 - Flood Management Systems   SP.316  PDF  2.29mb
 Appendix 5 - Alt/Crossens Catchment   SP.316  PDF  2.6mb
 Appendix 6 - Non-fluvial flood incidents   SP.316  PDF  2.6mb
 Appendix 7 - Flood zones at settlement level  SP.316  PDF  13.3mb
 Appendix 8 - Fluvial flooding at Sandy/Hurlston Brook  SP.316  PDF  2.3mb
 Appendix 9 - DE5 Surface water drainage and flooding   SP.316  PDF  531kb
 Appendix 10 - Waterways  SP.316  PDF  3.66mb
 Appendix 11 - Surface water flooding   SP.316  PDF  396kb
 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 2  SP.317  PDF  3.4mb
  SFRA Appendix 1:  Technical Guidance to The National Planning Policy Framework
(The Sequential and  Exception Test)
 SP.318  PDF  256kb

 SFRA Appendix 2:   Maps of Settlement Areas and Indicative Flood Zones














































  SFRA Appendix 3:   Settlement Housing Data Analysis






  SFRA Appendix 4: Surface water and drainage comments for Local Plan Publication Site Allocations   SP.321  PDF  90kb
 SFRA Appendix 5:   Flood Risk Assessment, Herrington Consultants, February 2008  SP.322  PDF  13.9mb
 Green Belt Study 2011       
 Green Belt Study Addendum (July 2012)  SP.311  PDF  539kb
 Green Belt Study Consultation Report (Dec 2011)  SP.312  PDF  4.5mb
Green Belt Consultation Representations Appendices  SP.313  PDF  3.1mb
Merseyside Overview Study 2011
Merseyside Overview Study - Technical Appendices 2011

