Customer Feedback

We are committed to consistently providing an excellent service to all our customers. We value all feedback about our services and see this as an opportunity to learn, adapt and improve, so that our customers can have confidence in us to deliver a quality standard of service.

We recognise that occasionally things can go wrong. In these circumstances, we want to make it as quick and simple as possible for our customers to raise their concerns, so that we can resolve the issue in a timely way.

We also like to hear from our customers when they have had a positive experience or if we have exceeded their expectations. We will use this information to promote good practice throughout the organisation and give credit to our staff.

Our Customer Feedback policy sets out how we handle feedback, which includes Comments, Compliments and Complaints.

Have a Comment, Compliment or Complaint?

What is a Comment?

A comment is a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion.

We recognise that you may want to express your views on the standard of service we have provided, without making a complaint. Comments on how we could improve services to better meet the needs of customers are always welcome.

We will ensure that we monitor any repetition of comments about the services we provide and take appropriate action to resolve these.

You can submit a Comment about our services through our Customer Feedback form

What is a Compliment?

A compliment is an expression of satisfaction about the standard of service provided.

Everyone likes to receive compliments and Council officers are no exception. More importantly, compliments can help us to identify what our customer's value and highlights when we have done a good job.

You can submit a Compliment about our services through our Customer Feedback form

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions, or lack of action by the Council, its own staff or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.

For further information on how we handle complaints and to submit a complaint, please visit our Complaints page.

To find out more about how the Council performs in relation to Customer Feedback and read more about our self-assessment against the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code visit our performance page.